Labour Law France – temporary unemployment for employees in France.
法国政府允许采取临时失业的办法。chômage technique or chômage partiel),以防止在法国自2020年3月17日采取的冠状病毒隔离措施期间大规模裁员.
How to request temporary unemployment?
向本处提交的临时失业申请,通常须事先获公司经济及社会委员会(Comité Social et Economique (CSE)), in place in companies with more than 11 employees.
However, following the COVID-19 outbreak, 2020年3月25日第2020-325号法令允许公司在因冠状病毒危机提出临时失业申请后两个月内提交CSE的批准.
In any event, 没有员工代表的公司必须将临时失业计划直接通知员工.
Who can benefit from temporary unemployment?
有工作合同的雇员可以申请临时失业, 即使他们处于试用期(冠状病毒危机不能成为终止试用期的理由).
Employees on sick leave exceeding 30 days, 如果他们能够在冠状病毒隔离措施期间重返工作岗位,也应该能够从暂时失业中受益, 即使在此期间不能进行强制性医疗检查. 但在隔离措施期间因病请假的职工,不得累计社会保障待遇,不得临时失业.
此外,在“VRP”类别中从事无薪职业的个人 (Vendeur, Représentant et Placier)也可在某些条件下特别受惠于临时失业计划.
How much are employees paid under the temporary employment scheme?
Under the temporary employment scheme, 雇主必须支付雇员每小时工资总额的70%, 相当于他们每小时净工资的84%. Such amount can never be lower than €8.03 per hour or exceed € 31,97 per hour.
临时失业工资必须在员工工资单上清楚地注明, that is due on the usual date of payment.
Following payment to the employee, 雇主必须按月要求报销. 申请必须在临时雇佣期结束后一年内提出. The Agence de services et de paiement, a French administrative body, makes payments to employers.
带薪休假是每个雇主的管理决定,必须遵循一定的程序. However, under certain conditions, 2020年3月25日第2020-323号法令允许雇主强迫员工休最多6个工作日的带薪假,而无需遵循通常适用的程序.
In any event, 雇主和雇员可以在申请临时失业之前就带薪休假——甚至提前带薪休假达成协议.
How does temporary unemployment impact prior dismissed employees?
在采取冠状病毒隔离措施之前解雇员工的情况, 临时失业申请不影响通知期的持续时间. 只有雇主与雇员达成协议,才可更改通知期的期限.
In addition, 临时失业不应影响因雇员被解雇而应得的数额.
在冠状病毒隔离措施期间,员工可能因个人动机(专业或身体不足)而被解雇, refusal of an amendment to the employment contract, misconduct…
Under article L. 1232-2 of the French employment code, 雇主须在发出解雇通知前邀请雇员参加会议. If employees don’t attend the meeting, 雇主可以按照程序办理,并发出正式的终止通知. In any event, 不参加会议不能作为雇主解雇雇员的有效理由.
In the context of the coronavirus confinement measures, employees can request to postpone such meeting, subject to the prior approval of the employer, unless contractually provided otherwise (Cass. Soc., 28 November 2001, n° 99-46.031).
这种会议是否可以有效地通过视频会议举行,还有待法国最高法院的确认, although some lower courts have already confirmed such method. 然而,请注意,初步解雇会议不能有效地通过电话举行(卡斯. Soc., 14 November 1991 n° 90-44.195).
This article has been prepared for informational purposes only. 它不能代替针对特定情况的法律建议. 你不应该采取或避免采取任何法律行动,基于此信息包含没有首先寻求专业人士, individualized counsel based upon your own circumstances. 雇佣律师是一项重要的决定,不应该仅仅基于广告.
Information by ALARIS AVOCATS, 在法国(巴黎)讲英语的律师专门从事法国劳动法, especially any kinds of Social Plans, dismissal procedures and labor contract clauses.